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Selasa, 19 Agustus 2008

Pendidikan (Education) Network

Pendidikan (Education) Network is an attempt to bring together information related to current education developments and to serve as a general resource and communication link (forum) for school administrators, educators, and other interested parties. The primary objective of this network is to act as a interactive medium for collaboration between the main education sectors. [New Visitor Information]

We apologize if the English versions of our websites are not updated regularly, however our target audiences are Indonesian Educators, Students and the Indonesian MoE. While we realize that English language is very important to every Indonesian as they strive to be part of the global community, English language skills, even within our education community, are still relatively low. We believe that improving English language proficiency is one of Indonesia's greatest challenges for the new millenium.

Indonesian Education News
One Laptop Per Child

Education Net Supports The Program "One Laptop Per Child"

"Classroom Of The Future" - Which future?

Our Education Network is founded upon thirty-three (33) basic sites (see here) However, we now have over 70 active education sites and forwarding domain names. We also produce the main entry page in eight (8) languages in order to achieve a more global appeal:


If you are a Student, an Educator, Alumni, or a Citizen who cares about education please register at:

SLTP.Net or SLTA.Net or PTHP.Net

In order to achieve educational reform in Indonesia your voice needs to be heard. Please visit our Forums, Comments, and Aspiration pages and enter you comments.

At Pendidikan.Net and all our sites your participation and assistance is highly valued. Successful improvement to the quality of education in Indonesia will only be achieved when we can mobilize* all the human resources available and begin to work together. A key element for achieving effective mobilization is communication.

There are two issues that we believe are very important for everyone to work on:

1. The Reading Habit. Try to read at least 2 articles every day from Media Indonesia Online:
Media Indonesia Online
and Republika Online
Republika Online

2. English Language Skills. If you read 1 article from The Jakarta Post every day you will certainy see some improvement.

Education Laboratory

Search for Indonesian Education Information

Indonesian Education Articles

Education Databases

Technology Supplier Database

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